日本の健康保険のない外国人・日本人の診療費は、「当院を受診希望の外国人の方へ(Information for foreigners)」をご参照ください。
日本の健康保険のない外国人・日本人の診療費は、「当院を受診希望の外国人の方へ(Information for foreigners)」をご参照ください。
The estimated medical costs listed here are calculated based on the Japanese method of calculating medical costs.
If you have a government health insurance card, you will be asked to pay 10-30% of the total cost (100%) at the payment counter (the percentage to be paid depends on your age and income).
If you do not have a government health insurance card, you will be responsible for 100% of the total cost at the payment counter.
However, the fee may be higher or lower than this figure depending on the condition of the illness and the policy of medical examination and treatment.
For information on medical expenses for foreigners and Japanese who are not covered by government health insurance, please refer to “当院を受診希望の外国人の方へ(Information for foreigners)”.
If you have a government health insurance card, you will be asked to pay 10-30% of the total cost (100%) at the payment counter (the percentage to be paid depends on your age and income).
If you do not have a government health insurance card, you will be responsible for 100% of the total cost at the payment counter.
However, the fee may be higher or lower than this figure depending on the condition of the illness and the policy of medical examination and treatment.
For information on medical expenses for foreigners and Japanese who are not covered by government health insurance, please refer to “当院を受診希望の外国人の方へ(Information for foreigners)”.
Case | 診療科 Department |
クリニカルパス名称 Clinical pathway |
標準的な入院期間 (見込) Standadized hospital stay (Expected) |
日本の健康保険あり (3割負担) Japanese Health Insurance (30%) |
日本の健康保険なし (10割負担) Without Japanese Health Insurance (100%) |
1 | 外科 Surgery |
腹腔鏡補助下直腸切断術 Laparoscopy-assisted rectal resection |
21 | ¥645,000 | ¥2,150,000 |
2 | 外科 Surgery |
腹腔鏡補助下直腸切除術 Laparoscopy-assisted rectal resection |
12-14 | ¥563,000 | ¥1,930,000 |
3 | 外科 Surgery |
腹腔鏡補助下結腸切除術 Laparoscopy-assisted colectomy |
10-12 | ¥500,000 | ¥1,600,000 |
4 | 外科 Surgery |
腹腔鏡下胃切除術 Laparoscopy gastrectomy |
14 | ¥550,000 | ¥1,830,000 |
5 | 外科 Surgery |
虫垂切除 Appendectomy |
3 | ¥158,000 | ¥620,000 |
6 | 外科 Surgery |
胸筋温存乳房切除術 Modified radical mastectomy |
10 | ¥282,000 | ¥990,000 |
7 | 外科 Surgery |
腹腔鏡下胆嚢摘出術 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy |
4-5 | ¥183,000 | ¥660,000 |
8 | 外科 Surgery |
胸腔鏡下肺切除術 Thoracoscopic pneumonectomy |
10 | ¥582,000 | ¥2,050,000 |
9 | 外科 Surgery |
胸腔鏡下ブラ切除術 Video-assisted thoracic surgery |
7 | ¥307,000 | ¥1,070,000 |
10 | 外科 Surgery |
乳房部分切除術 Partial mastectomy |
6 | ¥226,000 | ¥780,000 |
11 | 外科 Surgery |
ERCP | 3 | ¥135,000 | ¥440,000 |
12 | 外科 Surgery |
鼠径ヘルニア Inguinal hernia |
3 | ¥169,000 | ¥640,000 |
13 | 感染症内科 Infectious Diseases |
誤嚥性肺炎 Aspiration pneumonia |
11 | ¥246,000 | ¥810,000 |
14 | 肝臓内科 Hepatology (Liver) |
EVL/EIS (Endoscopic treatments of esophageal varices) | 8 | ¥181,000 | ¥610,000 |
15 | 肝臓内科 Hepatology (Liver) |
TACE (Chemotherapy and embolization therapy for liver cancers) | 7 | ¥205,000 | ¥430,000 |
16 | 肝臓内科 Hepatology (Liver) |
RFA/PEIT (Radiofreguency and ethanol injection therapy for liver cancers) | 6 | ¥123,000 | ¥710,000 |
17 | 肝臓内科 Hepatology (Liver) |
肝生検(当日入院) Liver biopsy (day of surgery admission ) |
2 | ¥38,000 | ¥170,000 |
18 | 眼科 Ophthalmology(Eye) |
4泊5日白内障両眼OP当日入院 Four-night hospitalization bilateral cataract surgery, day of surgery admission |
5 | ¥141,000 | ¥530,000 |
19 | 眼科 Ophthalmology(Eye) |
【透析患者】4泊5日白内障両眼 【Dialysis patient】Four-night hospitalization bilateral cataract surgery |
5 | ¥156,000 | ¥590,000 |
20 | 眼科 Ophthalmology(Eye) |
3泊4日白内障両眼OP当日入院 Three-night hospitalization bilateral cataract surgery, day of surgery admission |
4 | ¥129,000 | ¥490,000 |
21 | 眼科 Ophthalmology(Eye) |
2泊3日白内障片眼OP当日入院 Two-night hospitalization unilateral cataract surgery, day of surgery admission |
3 | ¥75,000 | ¥260,000 |
22 | 眼科 Ophthalmology(Eye) |
【透析患者】2泊3日白内障片眼 【Dialysis patient】Two-night hospitalization unilateral cataract surgery |
3 | ¥81,000 | ¥330,000 |
23 | 眼科 Ophthalmology(Eye) |
1泊2日白内障片眼OP当日入院 One-night hospitalization unilateral cataract surgery, day of surgery admission |
2 | ¥64,000 | ¥270,000 |
24 | 救急科 Emergency Medicine |
アルコール中毒(1泊2日) Alcoholic intoxication (one-night hospitalization) |
2 | ¥54,000 | ¥200,000 |
25 | 救急科 Emergency Medicine |
アナフィラキシー(1泊2日) Anaphylaxis (one-night hospitalization) |
2 | ¥39,000 | ¥180,000 |
26 | 救急科 Emergency Medicine |
アルコール中毒(0泊1日) Alcoholic intoxication (one-day hospitalization) |
1 | ¥27,000 | ¥140,000 |
27 | 救急科 Emergency Medicine |
アナフィラキシー(0泊1日) Anaphylaxis (one-day hospitalization) |
1 | ¥28,000 | ¥160,000 |
28 | 血液腫瘍内科 Hematology and Oncology |
自己末梢血幹細胞採取 Autologous peripheral blood stem cell collection |
11 | ¥440,000 | ¥1,400,000 |
29 | 血液腫瘍内科 Hematology and Oncology |
末梢血幹細胞採取(ドナー) Peripheral blood stem cell collection (donor) |
8 | ¥170,000 | ¥590,000 |
30 | 呼吸器内科 Pulmonology (Lung) |
気管支鏡検査入院(1泊2日) Bronchoscopy (one-night hospitalization) |
2 | ¥57,000 | ¥230,000 |
31 | 産婦人科 Obstetrics and Gynecology |
開腹(悪性) Laparotomy (malignant) |
8 | ¥438,000 | ¥1,530,000 |
32 | 産婦人科 Obstetrics and Gynecology |
広汎子宮全摘術 Radical hysterectomy |
12 | ¥438,000 | ¥1,530,000 |
33 | 産婦人科 Obstetrics and Gynecology |
腹腔鏡子宮体癌 Laparoscopic surgery for endometrial cancer |
7 | ¥443,000 | ¥1,570,000 |
34 | 産婦人科 Obstetrics and Gynecology |
開腹(良性) Laparotomy (benign) |
8 | ¥268,000 | ¥910,000 |
35 | 産婦人科 Obstetrics and Gynecology |
子宮脱 Uterine prolapse |
8 | ¥225,000 | ¥830,000 |
36 | 産婦人科 Obstetrics and Gynecology |
分娩 Delivery |
6 | ¥530,000 | ¥530,000 |
37 | 産婦人科 Obstetrics and Gynecology |
帝王切開 Caesarean section |
7 | ¥199,000 | ¥900,000 |
38 | 産婦人科 Obstetrics and Gynecology |
緊急帝王切開 Emergency caesarean section |
7 | ¥269,000 | ¥1,150,000 |
39 | 産婦人科 Obstetrics and Gynecology |
緊急開腹(良性) Emergency laparotomy(benign) |
7 | ¥333,000 | ¥1,380,000 |
40 | 産婦人科 Obstetrics and Gynecology |
膣式子宮全摘 Vaginal hysterectomy |
7 | ¥256,000 | ¥910,000 |
41 | 産婦人科 Obstetrics and Gynecology |
頸菅縫縮術 Cervical cerclage |
6 | ¥97,000 | ¥330,000 |
42 | 産婦人科 Obstetrics and Gynecology |
腹腔鏡(卵巣、卵管) Laparoscopy (ovary, oviduct) |
5 | ¥213,000 | ¥790,000 |
43 | 産婦人科 Obstetrics and Gynecology |
腹腔鏡(TLH) Laparoscopic hysterectomy |
5 | ¥275,000 | ¥3,980,000 |
44 | 産婦人科 Obstetrics and Gynecology |
緊急腹腔鏡(卵管、卵巣) Emergency laparoscopy (ovary, oviduct) |
4 | ¥227,000 | ¥850,000 |
45 | 産婦人科 Obstetrics and Gynecology |
円錐切除、レーザー Conization, laser |
3 | ¥73,000 | ¥280,000 |
46 | 産婦人科 Obstetrics and Gynecology |
前日入院TC療法 Admission on a day prior to procedure, TC treatment |
3 | ¥83,000 | ¥260,000 |
47 | 産婦人科 Obstetrics and Gynecology |
光線療法 Phototherapy |
3 | ¥41,000 | ¥160,000 |
48 | 産婦人科 Obstetrics and Gynecology |
TC療法 TC treatment |
2 | ¥123,000 | ¥330,000 |
49 | 産婦人科 Obstetrics and Gynecology |
日帰りアウス Artificial abortion, day surgery |
1 | ¥31,000 | ¥140,000 |
50 | 産婦人科 Obstetrics and Gynecology |
日帰りレーザー Laser therapy for uterine cirvix, day surgery |
1 | ¥25,000 | ¥120,000 |
51 | 耳鼻咽喉科 Otorhinolaryngology (Ear, Nose, Throat) |
急性鼻腔炎(内視鏡下鼻副鼻腔手術) Acute sinusitis (endoscopic sinus surgery) |
8 | ¥239,000 | ¥850,000 |
52 | 耳鼻咽喉科 Otorhinolaryngology (Ear, Nose, Throat) |
慢性化膿性中耳炎(鼓室形成術) Chronic purulent otitis media (tympanoplasty) |
8 | ¥226,000 | ¥790,000 |
53 | 耳鼻咽喉科 Otorhinolaryngology (Ear, Nose, Throat) |
唾液腺(耳下腺・顎下腺)手術 Salivary gland surgery(parotidectomy, sialoadenectomy) |
8 | ¥246,000 | ¥880,000 |
54 | 耳鼻咽喉科 Otorhinolaryngology (Ear, Nose, Throat) |
甲状腺手術(部分) Thyroid surgery (partial) |
8 | ¥170,000 | ¥570,000 |
55 | 耳鼻咽喉科 Otorhinolaryngology (Ear, Nose, Throat) |
顔面神経麻痺 Facial paralysis |
8 | ¥111,000 | ¥350,000 |
56 | 耳鼻咽喉科 Otorhinolaryngology (Ear, Nose, Throat) |
突発性難聴 Sudden deafness |
8 | ¥100,000 | ¥330,000 |
57 | 耳鼻咽喉科 Otorhinolaryngology (Ear, Nose, Throat) |
成人扁桃摘出術 Tonsillectomy (adults) |
8 | ¥146,000 | ¥520,000 |
58 | 耳鼻咽喉科 Otorhinolaryngology (Ear, Nose, Throat) |
小児扁桃摘出術 Pediatric Tonsillectomy |
8 | ¥206,000 | ¥610,000 |
59 | 耳鼻咽喉科 Otorhinolaryngology (Ear, Nose, Throat) |
声帯ポリープ Vocal code polyp |
5 | ¥102,000 | ¥370,000 |
60 | 循環器内科 Cardiology (Heart) |
ペースメーカー植え込み Pacemaker implantation |
10 | ¥463,000 | ¥1,610,000 |
61 | 循環器内科 Cardiology (Heart) |
心カテ、PCI(前日入院用) Cardiac catheterization, PCI (admission on a day prior to procedure) |
4 | ¥275,000 | ¥990,000 |
62 | 循環器内科 Cardiology (Heart) |
心カテ、PCI(CKD前日入院用) Cardiac catheterization, PCI (CKD admission on a day prior to procedure) |
4 | ¥352,000 | ¥1,260,000 |
63 | 循環器内科 Cardiology (Heart) |
リードレスペースメーカー Leadless pacemaker |
4 | ¥147,000 | ¥320,000 |
64 | 循環器内科 Cardiology (Heart) |
アブレーション Ablation therapy for cardiac arrythmia |
4 | ¥619,000 | ¥2,240,000 |
65 | 循環器内科 Cardiology (Heart) |
心カテ、PCI(当日カテHD患者入院用) Cardiac catheterization, PCI (day of surgery admission for dialysis patient) |
3 | ¥444,000 | ¥1,640,000 |
66 | 小児科 Pediatrics |
児)腎炎・ネフローゼ Pediatric nephritis/nephrosis |
16 | ¥492,000 | ¥1,300,000 |
67 | 小児科 Pediatrics |
児)川崎病 Pediatric Kawasaki disease |
15 | ¥269,000 | ¥630,000 |
68 | 小児科 Pediatrics |
児)尿路感染症 Pediatric urinary tract infection |
10 | ¥160,000 | ¥400,000 |
69 | 小児科 Pediatrics |
児)小児感染症 Pediatric infectious disease |
9 | ¥107,000 | ¥260,000 |
70 | 小児科 Pediatrics |
児)腎生検 Pediatric renal biopsy |
9 | ¥166,000 | ¥380,000 |
71 | 小児科 Pediatrics |
児)IgA血管炎 Pediatric IgA vasculitis |
9 | ¥132,000 | ¥340,000 |
72 | 小児科 Pediatrics |
児)呼吸器感染症/喘息 Pediatric respiratory infection/asthma |
8 | ¥104,000 | ¥280,000 |
73 | 小児科 Pediatrics |
児)急性胃腸炎 Pediatric acute gastroenteritis |
7 | ¥77,000 | ¥200,000 |
74 | 小児科 Pediatrics |
児)咽頭炎/扁桃炎 Pediatric pharyngitis/tonsillitis |
7 | ¥119,000 | ¥310,000 |
75 | 小児科 Pediatrics |
児)糖尿病母体児 Infant of diabetic mother |
6 | ¥107,000 | ¥320,000 |
76 | 小児科 Pediatrics |
児)MRI Pediatric MRI |
2 | ¥38,000 | ¥130,000 |
77 | 消化器内科 Gastroenterology |
早期胃癌(ESD) Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) for early gastric cancer |
8 | ¥177,000 | ¥620,000 |
78 | 消化器内科 Gastroenterology |
胃ポリープ(EMR) 入院当日切除 Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) for gastric polyp |
6 | ¥80,000 | ¥380,000 |
79 | 消化器内科 Gastroenterology |
大腸ポリープEMR(3泊4日) EMR for colonic polyp (three-night hospitalization) |
4 | ¥65,000 | ¥250,000 |
80 | 消化器内科 Gastroenterology |
大腸検査(2泊3日) Colonoscopy (two-night hospitalization) |
3 | ¥45,000 | ¥190,000 |
81 | 消化器内科 Gastroenterology |
大腸ポリープEMR(1泊2日) Colonic polyp (EMR, one-night hospitalization) |
2 | ¥50,000 | ¥200,000 |
82 | 消化器内科 Gastroenterology |
レミケード点滴入院(日帰り) REMICADE for I.V. Infusion (one-day hospitalization) |
1 | ¥116,000 | ¥420,000 |
83 | 消化器内科 Gastroenterology |
大腸ポリープEMR(日帰り入院) Colonic polyp (EMR, one-day hospitalization) |
1 | ¥36,000 | ¥150,000 |
84 | 心臓血管外科 Cardiovascular Surgery |
ペースメーカー電池交換 Pacemaker battery replacement |
5 | ¥306,000 | ¥1,090,000 |
85 | 腎臓内科 Nephrology (Kidney) |
出口部形成術 Peritoneal dialysis initiation |
17 | ¥435,000 | ¥1,100,000 |
86 | 腎臓内科 Nephrology (Kidney) |
血液透析導入 Hemodialysis initiation |
13 | ¥248,000 | ¥710,000 |
87 | 腎臓内科 Nephrology (Kidney) |
ステロイドパルス Steroid pulse therapy |
10 | ¥146,000 | ¥470,000 |
88 | 腎臓内科 Nephrology (Kidney) |
PDカテーテル抜去 PD(Preritoneal Dialysis) catheter removal |
9 | ¥193,000 | ¥610,000 |
89 | 腎臓内科 Nephrology (Kidney) |
教育入院 CKD education program |
9 | ¥132,000 | ¥430,000 |
90 | 腎臓内科 Nephrology (Kidney) |
腎生検 Kidney biopsy |
6 | ¥97,000 | ¥330,000 |
91 | 腎臓内科 Nephrology (Kidney) |
PD腹膜炎 PD(Preritoneal Dialysis) related peritonitis |
8 | ¥126,000 | ¥450,000 |
92 | 腎臓内科 Nephrology (Kidney) |
PDカテーテル埋没術 PD(Preritoneal Dialysis) catheter implantation |
7 | ¥278,000 | ¥680,000 |
93 | 腎臓内科 Nephrology (Kidney) |
シャント造設術 AVF(Arterio-Venous Fistula) creation |
4 | ¥96,000 | ¥340,000 |
94 | 腎臓内科 Nephrology (Kidney) |
長期留置カテーテル挿入術 Placement of long-term hemodialysis catheter |
4 | ¥218,000 | ¥780,000 |
95 | 腎臓内科 Nephrology (Kidney) |
イヌリンクリアランス検査入院 Estimation of GFR(Glomerular Filtration Rate) by inulin clearance |
3 | ¥47,000 | ¥170,000 |
96 | 腎臓内科 Nephrology (Kidney) |
サムスカ導入 Tolvaptan introduction for PCKD |
3 | ¥111,000 | ¥400,000 |
97 | 腎臓内科 Nephrology (Kidney) |
CAPD NAVI検査入院 Evaluation of peritioneal function (PD NAVI) |
2 | ¥38,000 | ¥150,000 |
98 | 腎臓内科 Nephrology (Kidney) |
PTA(Percutaneous Transluminal Fugioplasty) for vascular access | 1 | ¥74,000 | ¥270,000 |
99 | 整形外科 Orthopedic Surgery |
骨接合術 Osteosynthesis |
25 | ¥409,000 | ¥1,340,000 |
100 | 整形外科 Orthopedic Surgery |
人工骨頭置換術 Femoral head replacement |
24 | ¥580,000 | ¥1,980,000 |
101 | 整形外科 Orthopedic Surgery |
TKA (total knee arthroplasty) | 22 | ¥559,000 | ¥1,910,000 |
102 | 整形外科 Orthopedic Surgery |
腰部椎間板ヘルニア Lumbar disc herniation |
21 | ¥403,000 | ¥1,380,000 |
103 | 整形外科 Orthopedic Surgery |
THA (total hip arthroplasty) | 21 | ¥630,000 | ¥2,160,000 |
104 | 整形外科 Orthopedic Surgery |
腰部脊柱管狭窄症 Lumbar spinal stenosis |
20 | ¥400,000 | ¥1,320,000 |
105 | 整形外科 Orthopedic Surgery |
頸椎後方除圧 Posterior cervical decompression |
19 | ¥539,000 | ¥1,880,000 |
106 | 総合診療科 General Internal Medicine |
睡眠時無呼吸症候群 Sleep apnea syndrome |
2 | ¥41,000 | ¥150,000 |
107 | 糖尿病・代謝・ 内分泌内科 Diabetes and Metabolic Medicine |
血糖認識トレーニング入院(8日間) Admission for blood glucose awareness training (8 days) |
8 | ¥123,000 | ¥380,000 |
108 | 糖尿病・代謝・ 内分泌内科 Diabetes and Metabolic Medicine |
DM教育入院8日コース(水曜日入院) DM educational admission 8 day course (Wednesday admission) |
8 | ¥122,000 | ¥410,000 |
109 | 糖尿病・代謝・ 内分泌内科 Diabetes and Metabolic Medicine |
DM教育入院7日コース(木曜日入院) DM educational admission 7 day course (Thursday admission) |
7 | ¥107,000 | ¥280,000 |
110 | 糖尿病・代謝・ 内分泌内科 Diabetes and Metabolic Medicine |
大腸内視鏡/切除 (2泊3日) Colonoscopy / Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) (two-night hospitalization) |
3 | ¥57,000 | ¥250,000 |
111 | 糖尿病・代謝・ 内分泌内科 Diabetes and Metabolic Medicine |
大腸内視鏡/切除 (1泊2日) Colonoscopy / Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) (one-night hospitalization) |
2 | ¥47,000 | ¥200,000 |
112 | 脳神経外科 Neurosurgery |
慢性硬膜下血腫 Chronic subdural hematoma |
8 | ¥213,000 | ¥700,000 |
113 | 脳神経外科 Neurosurgery |
頚動脈ステント留置術 Carotid stenting |
10 | ¥458,000 | ¥1,480,000 |
114 | 脳神経外科 Neurosurgery |
未破裂脳動脈瘤コイル Unruptured brain aneurysm coiling |
9 | ¥1,174,000 | ¥4,230,000 |
115 | 脳神経外科 Neurosurgery |
アンギオ入院(虚血性疾患) Admission for angiography (ischemic disease) |
3 | ¥118,000 | ¥360,000 |
116 | 脳神経外科 Neurosurgery |
アンギオ入院(出血性疾患) Admission for angiography (hemorrhagic disease) |
3 | ¥87,000 | ¥270,000 |
117 | 脳神経外科 Neurosurgery |
アンギオ(入院中虚血性疾患) Admission for angiography (ischemic disease during hospitalization) |
2 | ¥95,000 | ¥310,000 |
118 | 脳神経外科 Neurosurgery |
アンギオ(入院中出血性疾患) Admission for angiography (hemorrhagic disease during hospitalization) |
2 | ¥60,000 | ¥240,000 |
119 | 泌尿器科 Urology |
腎・腎尿管全摘(開腹・腹腔鏡) Total nephroureterectomy (laparotomy/laparoscopy) |
14 | ¥478,000 | ¥1,680,000 |
120 | 泌尿器科 Urology |
カバジタキセル導入 Cabazitaxel induction |
13 | ¥430,000 | ¥1,160,000 |
121 | 泌尿器科 Urology |
ドセタキセル導入 Docetaxel induction |
13 | ¥85,000 | ¥260,000 |
122 | 泌尿器科 Urology |
前立腺全摘術 Radical prostatectomy |
12 | ¥510,000 | ¥1,790,000 |
123 | 泌尿器科 Urology |
腎部分切除 Partial nephrectomy |
11 | ¥410,000 | ¥1,470,000 |
124 | 泌尿器科 Urology |
GC療法 GC treatment |
10 | ¥238,000 | ¥730,000 |
125 | 泌尿器科 Urology |
副腎腫瘍・良性疾患 Adrenal tumor/benign disease |
10 | ¥280,000 | ¥980,000 |
126 | 泌尿器科 Urology |
接触式前立腺レーザー蒸散術(CVP) Contact laser vaporization of the prostate (CVP) |
8 | ¥172,000 | ¥620,000 |
127 | 泌尿器科 Urology |
経尿道的膀胱腫瘍切除術 Transurethral bladder tumor resection 膀胱生検 Bladder biopsy |
7 | ¥144,000 | ¥520,000 |
128 | 泌尿器科 Urology |
前立腺生検 Prostate biopsy |
5 | ¥39,000 | ¥160,000 |
129 | 泌尿器科 Urology |
経尿道的尿管結石砕石術(TUL) Transurethral ureterolithotomy (TUL) |
5 | ¥164,000 | ¥610,000 |
130 | 泌尿器科 Urology |
腎瘻造設 Nephrostomy |
4 | ¥102,000 | ¥360,000 |
131 | 泌尿器科 Urology |
尿管ステント挿入(1泊2日) Ureteral stent placement (one-night hospitalization) |
2 | ¥57,000 | ¥220,000 |
132 | 泌尿器科 Urology |
結石破砕・ESWL(日帰り) Lithotripsy/ESWL (day surgery) |
1 | ¥73,000 | ¥290,000 |
133 | 泌尿器科 Urology |
尿管ステント挿入(日帰り) Ureteral stent placement (day surgery) |
1 | ¥32,000 | ¥150,000 |
134 | 皮膚科 Dermatology |
皮膚腫瘍切除術 Skin tumor resection |
3 | ¥77,000 | ¥280,000 |
135 | 膠原病内科 Rheumatology |
エンドキサン Intaravenous cyclophosphamide therapy |
3 | ¥57,000 | ¥110,000 |
136 | 膠原病内科 Rheumatology |
生物学的製剤 Biologic agents |
2 | ¥69,000 | ¥240,000 |
137 | 胸腹部エコー Chest ultrasound |
- | ¥1,590 | ¥5,300 | |
138 | CT(造影) CT (contrast enhanced) |
- | ¥8,550 | ¥28,500 | |
139 | MR(造影) MR (contrast agent enhanced) |
- | ¥6,240 | ¥20,800 | |
140 | 胸部X-P Chest x-ray |
- | ¥6,300 | ¥21,000 | |
141 | 血液検査(標準的な項目にて算出) Blood test (usual items for screaning purpose) |
- | ¥1,989 | ¥6,630 |